Use case

Card programmes

With a plethora of use cases and industries, a card programme is a flexible and customisable solution for startups, SMEs, and large corporations alike.

Digital builders all over the world use card programmes to enable innovative business models. Read on to learn more about modern card programmes, powerful use cases, and how it solves several challenges.

Let’s explore what challenges are solved with Intergiro.3d


Long payment anticipation

Your partners, suppliers and employees may not get paid right away. Using a  30-day payment scheme leads to unplanned cash flow issues and makes accounting more complex. It can also lead to additional costs when making a large number of bank transfers, which are often charged with a fee.


Instant payments

Employees and partners will receive multifunctional branded Visa cards or virtual cards to make instant payments. Issuing cards eliminates the possibility of having to handle multiple invoices, making financial transactions as convenient as possible both for you and for a diverse category of merchants!


Сomplex, time-consuming and costly developments

Developing financial services is always a time-consuming process. It requires resources, innovation, and cutting-edge technology. Implementing all of these can take a lot of money, and even a huge financial input doesn’t guarantee success.


Ready-made product

Intergiro.3d simplifies the development process by delivering a BaaS platform that is EEA-licensed and ready to use. With a turnkey solution, you have access to branded financial products in record time — with the least possible investment required.

State of the art card programmes

Developed with redundancy, our security, privacy and compliance program helps our partners efficiently meet their obligations with

  • PCI-certified APIs
  • Fraud monitoring
  • Dynamic spend controls
  • Live data feeds

Virtual & physical card programs

Applepay & Googlepay tokenisation

Tokenised cards are great for mobile payments. They’re easier to use, just as secure, and can be used with any of today’s popular payment systems.

Benefits for your customers

Benefits for your customers

  • Virtual cards

    Instantly issue customers a virtual card so they can start spending right away.

  • Top-up functionality

    Enables your customer to instantly top up their accounts using debit and credit cards.

  • Customer rewards

    Provide customer incentives, discounts and loyalty points in real time at the point of sale.

  • Tokenisation

    Connect your cards to Apple and Google Pay, enabling secure and convenient payments for your customers.

Branded cards for your customers

While retailers are looking for new ways to reach and understand their customers, they’ve found data mining to be one of the most effective methods. Card programmes give retailers access to their customer’s shopping behaviour – including spending habits, what they buy, where they shop, and how much they spend. Retailers can use this data to tailor marketing strategy and remain competitive with other firms.

Cards for your banking or payments app

If you only have a bank- or payment app but don’t offer cards, you’re not maximising your potential. Our card program lets you issue multifunctional virtual and plastic cards with exclusive design — adaptable to different business processes. We’ll help you stay on top of the market, save time and money, and expand your services.

Cards for rewards & loyalty programmes

Through your white-labelled card programme you can increase sales by rewarding your customers for their purchases. For instance, you may occasionally reward them with a bonus, provide good deals and discounts on your products, or offer special discounts to people when they recommend your store to others.

Cards for direct deposit payroll

More and more people are now working in modern forms of employment, such as freelancing with global mobility. Branded cards are the perfect solution for paying these workers because they offer instant payment while staying on brand.

Client benefits

Embedded Accounts

Enhance customer experience by issuing multi-currency accounts into your apps and products

Payment Processing

Make your software platform more valuable to customers by embedding white-labelled payment technology to your services.

Full Suite of APIs

Our banking services are designed with modern RESTful APIs in mind.

Compliance as a service

Reduce your administrative burden as we handle risk, compliance and internal audits for you

Instantly onboard new clients

Leave all the regulation to us and instantly and automatically onboard your clients to our system.

Speed to market

Implement new financial services, generate new revenue streams, scale your business and go to market in a matter of weeks.

Join Intergiro.3d

Modern card issuing that empowers innovators and digital builders to create bespoke payment experiences